SHIELD HI Data Products
All data from VLA Large Program 20A-330 has been
acquired, reduced, and imaged. Analysis is ongoing.
For current status, please visit the VLA/20A-330 data summary page.
Below you may download the HI data products for the
original 12 SHIELD galaxies as presented
in Teich
et al. (2016)
and McNichols
et al. (2016). These results use the full
spectral resolution data (0.82 km/s/channel). Low
and high angular resolution versions of the data
correspond to natual and robust weighting schemes.
Note that the analysis of the 20A-330 will include
re-processing of all SHIELD VLA HI data to date.
- Description of data products:
- Moment 0: HI mass surface density, in units of Jy/Bm km/s
- Moment 1: Velocity field, in units of km/s
- Moment 2: Velocity dispersion, in units of km/s
- Cube: 3-dimensional data cube (RA-DEC-velocity)
- Single compressed tar files:
This research is supported by grants AST-2009894 and AST-1211683 from the National Science Foundation.